The Bottom Line

By Morgan Williams & Co.

Guide: How an Olympic mindset could help you manage your finances effectively  

What makes an Olympian? Natural talent or the hours put into training might be the first things that come to mind. However, their approach and mindset play an important role in their achievements too. An athlete’s mentality will have a huge effect on how they pursue goals and their ability to perform well when it...
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Investment market update: June 2024

2024 is a historic election year – elections will take place in 50 countries. More than 2 billion voters will head to the polls in countries including the UK, US, France, and South Africa throughout the year. Political uncertainty can affect investment markets and there was evidence of this in June. During market volatility, remember...
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How to effectively protect your identity and your finances from criminals 

Identity theft is a significant problem in the UK. Indeed, Infosecurity Magazine reports that 4.3% of the population – that’s 1.9 million Brits – had their identity stolen and used by fraudsters to open a financial account in 2023. Your private information is incredibly powerful. You can use it to take out loans and credit...
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3 fun ways you can pass on essential money lessons to children

As a parent or grandparent, you want the young children in your life to grow up to be happy and successful adults. A solid grasp of finances could set them off on the right track when they get older, but alarmingly, many children don’t receive any lessons on the subject during their formal education. A...
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A man reading some paperwork.

Higher-rate taxpayers: Beware of the 60% tax trap

The tapering of the Personal Allowance means some higher-rate taxpayers effectively pay an Income Tax rate of 60%, sometimes without realising. Fortunately, if you’re affected, there could be ways to reduce your tax bill. A report in the Telegraph suggests 1.35 million workers were affected by the 60% tax trap in 2023/24. Collectively, they paid...
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A man repairing a watch.

How “time travelling” as part of your financial plan could help you secure your goals

Imagine you could time travel to understand how your financial decisions today might affect your lifestyle in 10 or 20 years. You may be in a better position to turn your goals into a reality. Read on to find out how working with a financial planner could give you a glimpse into the future. Time...
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A woman with her child on her knee holding a piggy bank.

The surprising effect your childhood has on your money mindset

Your relationship with money may play a huge role in how you handle financial decisions and your long-term security. Many factors affect your financial decisions, but you might be surprised by how much your childhood experiences still influence you today. The majority of parents recognise how important financial education is. Indeed, according to Nationwide, almost...
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A man checking the news on his smartphone.

What 70 years of BBC news bulletins could teach you about investment markets

70 years ago, the BBC broadcast its first daily television news programme. Since then, round-the-clock news has become available, and you can get the latest headlines with a few taps on your smartphone. While being connected can be positive, for investors, it can make periods of volatility and choosing an investment even more difficult. Read...
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Two children hiking in a forest.

How Norway’s “oil fund” became an ESG investment leader

The world’s largest sovereign wealth fund has become a leader in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing. Yet, the money initially came from an unlikely source – fossil fuels. Read on to find out how Norway’s “oil fund” embraces ESG issues, and how you could too.  Norway’s sovereign wealth fund holds around 1.5% of all...
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